The smart glasses that adapt reality to the remaining visual capacity of people with low vision, solving mobility issues and improving personal autonomy.


Experience the world through our glasses

The right side of the video shows the vision of a patient with peripheral vision loss wearing the glasses. The black mask simulates the Peripheral Vision Loss

 Improving Mobility and Personal Autonomy of People With Low Vision

We are a company from Barcelona developing smart glasses that improve the quality of life of people with visual disabilities.


Improves Mobility

Detection of obstacles, ground changes, and street crossings.

Improves Vision

Adaption of lighting, enhancement of image and zoom feature.

Uses Remaining Sight

Maximum use of each patient’s sensory capacity through use of mixed reality.


What patients say about us

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 Our Story


Our company started with Biel, a child, who was born with low vision. After unsuccessfully trying every existing solution to help Biel navigate through daily life without falls and injuries, Biel's parents, medical doctor Constanza Lucero, and electronics engineer Jaume Puig started Biel Glasses with the vision to create advanced and affordable solutions to adapt the world to the eyes of as many impaired people as possible.